our vision

Oasis Church exists to host the presence of God and release an oasis, a place of refreshing, renewal, and relationships, that transforms lives and regions.

Our Mission


It's About
High Praise, Worship,
Intercession & Evangelism


It's About


It's About


Our Core Values

Prayer | Intimacy & Intercession

We prioritize prayer by making time for daily, intimate encounters with God and engaging in both corporate and private intercession. Watch the video.

Excellence | Give Your All

Whatever we do, we work at it with our whole Hearts, as working for the Lord rather than people.

Community | United & Engaged

We contend for connection within the Body of Christ. We celebrate authentic Kingdom relationships. We choose to stay united and engaged with one Another.

Honor & Humility | Up, Down, All-around

God gives grace to the humble and he resists the proud. We walk in honor and humility by laying our lives down and putting others first.

Stewardship | Time, Talents & Treasure

We are Responsible and generous stewards of what God has given us. We are blessed to be a blessing and generous on every occasion.

Mercy & Grace | Forgiveness & Unconditional Love

We are not perfect and we are not the holy spirit police. We believe the best of people, we forgive quickly and we refuse to be offended. We are the sons and daughters of love.

Healthy Life | Purse Health in All Aspects of Life

We purse a healthy body, soul, and spirit so that we can lead others in health. We purse purity because Jesus said if the inside of the cup is clean, the outside will be also.

Hospitality | Love & Serve Others Well

We celebrate the gift of hospitality and it is our joy to host well. Every event is an opportunity to be the hands and feet of Jesus to our communities.

Faith | Believe, Act, Contend

Faith is the currency of heaven and without it, it is impossible to please God. We Respond to every situation in faith, rather than react in fear.

Soul-winning | Evangelism in a Lifestyle

We believe every Christian is a commissioned soul-winner. We walk in powerful evangelism daily, not just at church events. We heal the sick, raise the dead and cast out demons because Jesus commanded us to.

Discipleship | Be a Disciple & Make Disciples

We are obedient to the call to “Go and make Disciples!” We make time for the individual discipleship of every person.

Honesty | Embrace H.O.T. Conversations

We cultivate strong relationships by leaning into HONEST, OPEN and TRANSPARENT Moments. We don’t run from courageous conversations, we grow through them.

Our Unique Characteristics


We exist to host the presence of God. We don’t just make room for the Holy Spirit, we give Him the room.

Apostolic and Prophetic

We embrace the biblical pattern of church government, leadership and accountability.

Deliverance and Inner Healing

We actively seek to see captives set free and partner with them as they walk out their freedom.

Women in Ministry

We endorse and promote women in ministry. We empower women to fulfill the call of God on their Lives.

Oasis School of Ministry

We cultivate the desire to grow in The World and grow as a leader in our 2 Year school of ministry.

© Copyright 2024 Oasis Church | All Rights Reserved

5700 Mark Ln Rowlett, TX 75089